
We are a family in Knoxville, TN.   Cinnamon was our first and came to us at 2 years old. She is an AKC field champion and was one of the sweetest dogs you’ll ever meet. Old age finally caught up to her and we lost her a couple weeks before her 16th birthday.  She got us hooked on the breed.  Dottie is from Cinnamon’s only litter.She is an AKC Dual champion, AKC Master Courser and ASFA Field Champion.  Chroma is our third generation girl, Dottie’s puppy and is an AKC  Dual Champion, and loves to dock dive. Helga, our 4th generation is my first bred by champion and wonderful lure courser and CWA straight racer. She won the AWC Willow award for her therapy dog work. She visits Children’s hospital weekly.  Out of Chroma’s first litter, there is one Dual Champion(Tanner) who is also an ASFA Fch . Cherie, who is his sister is also an ASFA and AKC FC. Minnie is from Chroma’s second litter and she finished with 2 5pt majors and 2 3point major at 14 months old and very limited showing, handled by me who is also 3pts from her  DC!  Chroma and Minnie are also excellent dock divers. 

Our goals are to have healthy, happy, pleasant to live with whippets.  We value a dog who loves to chase the lure and excels in the show ring too.  Most importantly, we value a dog who is wonderful to live with and can be taken anywhere.


We are members of  The American Whippet Club  and also AKC Breeders of Merit. If you are currently looking for a whippet to add to your family, please feel free to contact us at llpoolej@gmail.com and we will do our best to help you either find a breeder with a puppy, available adult or get you in contact with Whippet Rescue

While looking for breeders, please take a look at these links to help distinguish from good and not so good ones.  It’s always best to create a relationship with whomever you get your dog from. They should be a resource for you for life :).  Here is an excellent link on the subject:  Timbreblue Whippets Red flags.… We subscribe to the American Whippet Club Code of Ethics, not only because as a member you agree to, but, we agree with having those ethics!

For your reading on whippets, if you have never owned one.  This is a great collection of articles to go over.  Recommended Reading from Rejoyce Whippets  These articles go over many good issues about choosing breeders and what whippet puppies are like.

When placing a puppy, We want to ensure that both the puppy and the new owners will be happy.  Much of it is expectations of what they will behave like and sufficient exercise. A fenced yard is preferred with exceptions may be made on a case by case basis.  We do not take deposits or promise puppies until very close to going home. Homes are NOT first come first served, but, chosen on the best fit for each individual. Many factors go into where a puppy is going.

Puppy Culture DVD

If we have any available dogs, I do require you come to my home and meet your new puppy and the rest of the dogs. I think this is an important part of ensuring happy owners. Pictures are wonderful, but, no substitute for meeting the dog in person. This is not a negotiable item. It is a requirement for owning one of our dogs.  Please fill out this application and make sure to click submit. A signed contract is also required when picking up your puppy.

If you would like to read more on how contracts protect both the seller AND the buyer, This is an excellent article on the subject. You will be asked to sign a contract which will ensure that there is understanding of what is expected of both parties.  Also, please know your puppy is not protected from communicable disease until after their last set of shots, hopefully. Please do not buy into the anti-vaccine movement. Puppies DO die of parvo. There are incidences of distemper popping up again. This is the article I send for reading on the subject matter 

I do require that you wait on altering your dog until a minimum of a year. Early spay and neuter have many negative health consequences. In females, you end up with spay incontinence which is not life-threatening, but unpleasant. In males especially, you end up with no testosterone to signal the long bones to stop growing, which creates an imbalance in limb ratios. Greatly increases risks of CCL injuries. So please wait until 12m for the girls and 18m if possible on the boys. They will be healthier dogs!  From the US Library of Medicine (peer-reviewed scientific journal)    

Please do not feed grain free to your new puppy. If you choose to, all health guarantees are null and void. So many new things have come to light in recent months. I will not tell you what you can feed your dog, I do feel strongly enough about it to not be able to guarantee health if boutique foods are fed.  

FDA article on DCM and grain free

Tufts grain free article (excellent reading)

One more suggestion to have the best bond and experience with your puppy. Use Crate Games by Susan Garrett to make the crate a fun and happy place. You can buy it on DVD or online access.  Your puppy has started its life with Puppy Culture, so, this will be an easy way to continue the training and have the best pet possible


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