



DC Aperture High Chroma SC

(Please click on her name for a full pedigree)

Chroma is from the Dottie X Patrick litter and I could not be more pleased with her.  She moves beautifully, has lovely flowing lines and just a joy to live with. She is an AKC Dual Champion  and is a talented dock diver. She will also be CWA racing in the future! Chroma loves to play frisbee(and is very good at catching it) and is just an all around cool dog. She pushes the top spot with Dot in my heart. She is truly and all around whippet who does what she was bred to do well. She embodies form and function in my eyes not to mention the other things that bring fun to our lives.

Chroma has been fully health tested and passed all of the American Whippet Club’s required and suggested health screens. CHIC #: 81517

{Spayed, Eyes WP-EYE57/29F-VPI (2014) BAER WP-BR629/1F-Pl Clear (2010) Echo normal WP-CA855/19F/c-Pl-Echo (2015) Thyroid normal (2011)}

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